
While custodial crews are always on the lookout for dangerous fecal matter in restrooms, urine may actually be the biggest source of odor in your facilities. Urine has a nasty way of sticking on floors and in the grout between floor tiles. Once there, it serves as safe harbor for foul-smelling germs and bacteria. Cleaning with mops and rags doesn’t solve this problem. Here is how to confront urine odor in restroom facilities.

How Urine Causes Foul Odors

If you smell foul odors in your building restrooms, you are smelling the presence of bacteria and contaminants, much of it trapped in the grout between floor tiles. Removing the bacteria is the only way to eliminate this odor. Air fresheners may cover up the smell for a short time, but it will return as strong as ever once the chemicals evaporate. The bacteria causing the smell grows in the urine on the floors of the facilities.

Urine may splash onto the floor from toilets and urinals, or simply bad aim. Once it gets inside the grout and dries on other parts of the floor, it becomes a host and food source for bacteria. Warm, humid conditions make it easy for this type of bacteria to multiply.

Confronting Odor in Restroom Facilities

Custodial crews that depend on mops and buckets to clean restrooms often find foul smells returning to the facilities shortly after cleaning. Instead of sending the same crew to clean a restroom multiple times, give them the tools to remove the contaminated soils the first time. Mops work against them here—since they don’t remove soils and require more cleanings, many unnecessary labor hours are spent on every room. Worse, the soils stick in the mops and end up in other areas of the building. Old cleaning methods actually spread contaminants around your building.

The cleaning process should begin with applying a chemical solution and allowing it to dwell on the floor. Following that step, it takes a high-pressure spray to dislodge the soils and bacteria stuck in the grout. Once the contaminants are dislodged, your team can finally remove the soils by vacuuming away the solution. This soil removal is the only way to consider facilities clean. Chemical air fresheners are unnecessary when your cleaning crew removes the source of the problem. Rather than spending extra on cleaning materials and air fresheners, invest in effective soil removal and enjoy cleaner facilities.

Kaivac’s No-Touch Cleaning System offers the solution to urine odor in restroom facilities. Stop the spread of dangerous bacteria and foul smells in your building with this superior cleaning method.

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