
It’s one of the biggest challenges in the business: achieving hygienic restaurant cleaning. Keeping a restaurant clean and healthy is a never-ending battle. But if you use the right cleaning program, you’ll keep your establishment sparkling, your floors accident free, your customers impressed and improve everyone’s peace of mind.

Naturally, the kitchen and food prep areas generate never-ending cleaning and disinfecting challenges that go beyond the back of house. Cooking oils and other byproducts land on the kitchen floor and are tracked into every square foot of the establishment including dining rooms and other areas of the restaurant.

Here are some of the things you can do to ensure effective, professional restaurant cleaning:

Avoid the Mop

One of the biggest mistakes restaurant owners, and restaurant cleaning services, make is relying on a mop to get their floors clean. Mops, with their notorious reputation for spreading the soil and grime all around, make a dirty restaurant even dirtier.

It’s a bigger issue if you have tile floors. Even with regular cleaning, porous grout lines attract and hold on to grease and grime. Mopping simply can’t deep clean them but does spread contaminants around and possibly leads to cross contamination.

Mops leave floors wet, creating opportunities for dangerous and costly slips and falls. To top it off, they are a time consuming kitchen cleaning method.

To make matters worse, customers will notice when they don’t get the job done right. In fact, a Harris Poll revealed that a whopping 68 percent of those surveyed wouldn’t go back to a restaurant if its floors were dirty.

Focus on Removal

Turn to commercial restaurant cleaning options that focus on soil removing technology such as the use of vacuum technology. This cleaning is proven to be 60 times more effective than mops at reducing bacteria. Maintenance staff can count on having fresh solution, clean rinse water and reliable results every time they take on a cleaning task.

Get Rid of the Grease and Slick Surfaces

Grease and other contaminants coat kitchen tiles, creating an unsanitary and often dangerously slick work surface. Plus, these greasy soils often make their way to the front of the house. They get there by hitching a ride on the bottom of workers’ shoes or from the mop used to clean the kitchen. Either way a thick, sticky mess remains on surfaces and it attracts and holds on to even more dirt and grime.

Cleaning these surfaces poorly can lead to expensive problems. The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) says floor surfaces cause approximately 55 percent of slip and fall accidents. This leads to potential injuries, possible lawsuits, and a bad reputation for your business.

Try the Kaivac UniVac for Food Service Cleaning

Try ditching the mop and rely on tools that are much more effective at hygienic restaurant cleaning. Kaivac’s UniVac vacuum extraction system quickly powers through greasy soils. It also cleans grouted floors 30 to 60 times better than mopping. This ergonomically-designed cleaning machine is easy to learn and use, cutting down on the need for professional, and expensive, deep cleaning services.

Its compact size makes it perfect for cleaning and sanitizing smaller restaurants with limited storage space.

Invest in the Kaivac Dispense-and-Vac

Larger establishments should consider the Kaivac Dispense-and-Vac. In addition to maintaining the kitchen, this tool can easily take care of the challenges that come with restroom cleaning and other front of house areas.

The Kaivac Dispense-and-Vac removes extreme soils quickly and completely. Employees don’t have to touch contaminated surfaces to clean effectively. In addition to eliminating contaminates and leaving floors spotless, this technology saves costs when it comes to labor, equipment, and chemicals.

To learn more about effective restaurant cleaning, click here.

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