
Kaivac provides efficient and effective method for busy SPCA to clean for animal health. 

When an animal is in trouble in Monmouth County, NJ the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), is there. This year alone, the non-profit, 501(c)(3) has taken in over 600 kittens. In addition, they’ve rescued nearly 200 Parson Russell Terriers from a backyard breeding/hording operation. They’ve even tended to a trapped and injured mamma possum and her young. 

That’s on top of thousands of other cats, dogs and other furry friends they house, treat and adopt out to loving homes. 

Cleaning for Animal Health

Between bottle feeding, fund raising and pet training, the 88 staff members at Monmouth County SPCA are busy. But they are never too busy to clean. ‘We pride ourselves on keeping all areas neat and clean for the wellbeing of all the animals that cross our path,’ says Animal Care Manager, Kathy Miles. 

How important is cleanliness for a pet care facility? Every part of the facility, from shelter areas and meet-and-greet rooms to the veterinary clinic, get the same thorough treatment. That’s 16,000 square feet to clean. For Miles, it all about keeping the animals healthy. ‘We do our best to prevent the spread of disease via fomites.’

Unfortunately, old-fashioned tools like mops and buckets just didn’t cut it for animal health. For starters, mops and buckets increase the chance of dangerous cross contamination. They are also slow, cumbersome, and leave surfaces wet, creating a slip-and-fall hazard. 

A Better, Faster Way to Clean

So, the Monmouth County SPCA switched to a Kaivac No-Touch Cleaning® system.  

No-Touch Cleaning system helps prevent the spread of disease by not using the same dirty water as they move from one living area to another.

‘With the Kaivac we use clean water to wash, KaiBosh™ to disinfect and then vacuum (the solution) up to dry,’ says Miles. ‘After cleaning and disinfecting, we are ready to remake clean beds, give clean water and have happy animals ready to meet the public.’ Staff also use No-Touch Cleaning on the plastic transportation crates and to clean a room between groups of animals. 

Miles reports that the No-Touch Cleaning system is simple, and satisfying, to operate. ‘It makes cleaning easier,’ she says. ‘Animal care staff start using it on their first day of work.’

It looks like when it comes to cleaning, disinfecting and protecting animal health, the Monmouth County SPCA got the pick of the litter. 

Click here to learn more about the Kaivac No-Touch Cleaning system and KaiBosh concentrated, no-rinse disinfectant.  

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