
Resource Roundup: School Reopening

With school reopening in full swing, schools and universities all over the country are working to establish a new normal for maintaining school facilities. Information is changing daily. Obviously, this creates a nightmare for administrators, teachers, parents, and school facility mangers.

For those who clean schools, the best way to keep up with the constant flow of information is to stay educated. While some advice is always relevant, such as remembering to clean prior to disinfecting, other protocols are changing rapidly. Today’s cleaning dos may be tomorrow’s cleaning don’ts. At Kaivac, we strive to keep our cleaning community as informed as possible. To that end, we rounded up these resources from trusted sources to assist you and your staff during this challenging time.

From the CDC

Firstly, the CDC offers advice on cleaning and disinfection. In addition, they also have guidelines for safely returning to schools, colleges, universities, and childcare programs.

From the U.S. Department of Education

Secondly, the Department of Education regularly updates their guidance and policies for schools reopening.

From Healthy Schools Campaign

Thirdly, Healthy Schools Campaign features a resource center that includes webinars, check lists, and more. Helpfully, they also break down resources by type of staff and type of facility.

State-by State Guides

Lastly, stay plugged into general information about your states plans, laws, and guidelines. Try the following links.

Everyone who works in an educational environment knows that knowledge is power. Empower yourself and your staff with these resources to stay safe during school reopening.

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