
Research shows that store cleanliness strongly affects buyer behavior and that it’s one of the most important factors driving a better customer experience. Chain Store Age notes that in a Market Force study of 7,600 convenience store customers, shoppers rated store cleanliness as the most important factor when deciding which convenience store deserved their business. In fact, those surveyed said they’d search out a particular store because of its reputation for clean conditions.

In another study, Convenience Store Decisions notes that Mintel, a Chicago-based research firm, found that in convenience stores that serve food, 96 percent of the surveyed customers ranked store cleanliness and menu selection as their most important criteria. If increasing the performance of your stores — and revenue — is your goal, maintaining a clean store will get you there.

Dirty Restrooms Drive Business Away

In the same Mintel study, 57 percent of those surveyed said that if a restroom’s appearance was lacking, they would likely not return to the establishment. Consumers have strong reactions to dirty conditions and won’t return to businesses that disappoint them. One bad experience at your restroom could force consumers to go home rather than continue shopping.

Likewise, the amount of goods a shopper purchases often depends on how clean the store is, meaning that clean establishments make more sales. After all, if customers enjoy their browsing experience, they’ll stick around long enough to make a purchase, right? They’ll also be more likely to return to that store the next time they need something. A study by National In-Store on buyer behavior, conducted by M/A/R/C Research, showed that 29 percent of shoppers would only visit a store they knew to be unclean if it had items other stores didn’t carry. In other words, dirty stores were viewed only as a last resort.

Tools for Cleaner Stores

In some cases, store owners find themselves without the right tools to maintain the standards of cleanliness that customers demand. When you rely on mops, buckets, and rags to pass over large spaces once a day, you’re just not getting the job done. A better choice is the No-Touch Spray-and-Vac Cleaning Machines that leave your floors thoroughly clean and completely dry

Cleaning systems have become more nimble in recent years, allowing custodians to clean more effectively and cover more ground. Finding the right system for tile floors and touch points in and around store counters will help your cleaning crew in its ability to handle whatever a busy day might throw your way. Click here to learn more about methods to achieve store cleanliness.

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