
In March 2021, with one year of Covid behind us, we asked the Kaivac sales team to tell us about how the pandemic changed life in the last year. As each team member weighed in, themes emerged: the importance of cleaning, the bravery of the frontline cleaner, and the power of information amidst uncertainty. Read their full comments below.

Tim Adkins on One Year of Covid

In retail stores, the pandemic introduced a new scenario. A mother with three children is shopping in the grocery story, and one of her children has to use the restroom. For the first time ever, we are seeing that family walk out of the store rather than use the public restroom. They’re doing that because of fear. For retailers to keep their customers in the store, they have to put that fear to rest.

Tim Adkins, Director of Key Accounts
Drew Bunn on One Year of Covid

Since the arrival of the pandemic, I see more customers understanding the importance of removal in cleaning. When they see the difference between moving soil with a mop and removing soil with a Kaivac system, they really understand how removal can help keep them safe from a threat like Covid. 

Drew Bunn, Canadian Director of Sales
Marc Ferguson on One Year of Covid

A year ago, there was a lot of emphasis on spraying everything with disinfectant. However, effective disinfecting comes only after proper cleaning. Cleaning is the process of removing soil first, and it is essential whether there’s a pandemic or not. At Kaivac, our process focuses on maximum soil removal. If we remove the source, when a harmful contaminant enters the environment, it’s less likely to reproduce and take hold.

Marc Ferguson, Food Service Director
Will Friden Covid Year in Review Blog

As a result of the pandemic, the general public is more aware as to what it means to clean versus disinfect. I’ve seen BSCs who are actively educating their customers that cleaning is the first step. If you try to disinfect a surface that is not clean, you’re throwing money away. That’s like putting finish on a floor that hasn’t been stripped and prepared to receive new finish. This education has been needed for years, and now it’s finally starting to come to the forefront.

Will Friden, Director of National Accounts
Andrew Gamson Kaivac Regional Manager

In the last year, everyone has been reacting to the circumstances of the pandemic. A reactive place is often a place of fear. We want our customers to be proactive, so we have to step back and ask, what are we trying to accomplish? The change that Kaivac brings is measured and focused, to help get past the fear and work towards a concrete goal.

Andrew Gamson, Regional Manager for South-Central United States
Andy Goodfriend Kaivac Key Account Director

One year of Covid made everyone realize that the standard operating procedures of the past are simply not going to work going forward. Restaurant customers demand clean spaces, and their buying decisions are now related to cleanliness. Not just going out to eat, but even ordering in is influenced by the customer’s perception of cleanliness. Because of this, national brands have become hyper-aware of cleaning and cleaning processes in the last year.

Andy Goodfriend, Key Account Director
Keith Lauer on a year of pandemic

I joined Kaivac just before the arrival of Covid. Since I came from another industry, I learned in real time, during a global pandemic that preventing the spread of disease and infection starts with the correct cleaning tools and procedures. I never knew the science behind cleaning, removing unwanted soil and cleaning for infection control. Sometimes timing is everything.

Keith Lauer, Western Regional Manager
Darren Lewis Kaivac Key Accounts Director

One of the biggest changes in the last year is that the cleaning worker perceives that they are at high risk on the job. They look at their tools – mop and bucket, spray bottle and rag – and those tools are not giving the level of protection that they need. So the frontline employee is demanding better tools, better protection, a better working environment if they’re going to be asked to go in and put themselves at risk.

Darren Lewis, Key Accounts Director
Mike Moeller on One Year of Covid

We have a 3-month-old baby, our first. We want to get out of the house, but we are careful when choosing where we go. When we do go out, we definitely pick places that are visibly clean and avoid places that are not. Cleanliness has never been more important to a brand.

Mike Moeller, Director of Key Accounts
Dan Parker with his sons

Custodians have been on the front lines fighting a virus we still know little about. Putting the right products and information in these essential workers’ hands is not just important, but vital!

– Dan Parker, Southeast Regional Manager
Mike Perazzo Kaivac VP Business Development

In the past year, we’ve seen cleaning professionals transform into heroes of hygiene as they have faced tremendous pressure on the job. This transformation has underscored the importance of protecting these frontline workers from exposure by supporting them with effective tools and processes.

Mike Perazzo, Vice President of Business Development
Patrick Purcell on the pandemic in the custodial industry

I’m continuously amazed at the bravery and professionalism of the custodial industry.  If we stop and think about it, cleaning professionals have been running into buildings that most of the public has been running out of over the last year. They truly are the frontline heroes in their attempts to get us back to the new normal.

Patrick Purcell, Regional Manager for Central Plains Area
Allen Randolph Kaivac Coming Clean Podcast

A year ago, when the pandemic first shut down the country, people reacted predictably, which was not rationally. They tried to secure PPE, sprayers, wipes, and disinfectant, and, other than the PPE, none of it was very effective. As we’re now approaching the next phase of reopening and re-establishing a way of life, the public’s expectations of cleaning and hygiene have leveled up. The fear of Covid has been replaced by a demand for clean and safe. The new norm is clean and safe, not just a response to a panic situation. 

Allen Randolph, Vice President of Business Development
Dave Vallandingham on One Year of Covid

One year of Covid gave the world a fast education on the importance of cleaning and the critical role that frontline cleaning professionals have in order for the new normal to be established.  They truly are the critical heartbeat of healthy buildings and a healthy future.

Dave Vallandingham, Senior Regional Manager
National Account Manager Nick Wehby Kaivac

One of the biggest changes that COVID19 has brought to our world is a newfound importance on facility hygiene. The new gold standard of clean is no longer going to be hoped for, it is going to be demanded. People have been awakened to the value of cleanliness. Unfortunately, it took a global pandemic to do so.

Nick Wehby, National Account Manager

Huge thanks to the sales team for lending their expertise and insights on one year of Covid. Connect with our team on LinkedIn by clicking their names above.

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