
Thinking about starting a cleaning business? Go for it! Cleaning can be both lucrative (cleaning expert Kaite Pearse tripled her rate from $62 to $180 per hour just in seven years) and satisfying. Startup is quick and demand never goes away. Individual entrepreneurs don’t need much to get going; a reliable vehicle, a business license, maybe a website and a few good clients that will spread the word about your work. 

Oh, and you’ll need cleaning tools and supplies too. Cleaning Business Academy posts an extensive list of what a housecleaner needs to get the job done. But why mess with buckets, mops and mini-grout brushes when there’s one tool that can do it all better and faster? Here’s all a cleaning business really needs to succeed.

Smart Cleaning Machine for Your Cleaning Business 

When people pay for professional cleaning they expect that dirt and germs will actually be completely removed from their space. Mops just don’t remove dirt, mops just spread it around. This is more than just an unfortunate inconvenience. Soils, particularly those found in restrooms and kitchens, can contain dangerous pathogens like E. coli, salmonella or shigella.

Smart cleaners us a Kaivac No-Touch Cleaning System instead. Machines like this are 60 times more effective at removing bacterial contamination than mops. They can be used to clean hard floor surfaces, restroom fixtures and tiles and even carpet. And they’re fast. Conventional restroom cleaning takes about three minutes of scrubbing, rinsing and drying per fixture. A No-Touch System system can clean and dry a fixture in just one minute. And like its name implies, there’s no touching or scrubbing surfaces.

Work Out at the Gym, Not on the Job

Cleaning is satisfying, but physically demanding. Muscle strains and injuries may keep even the most motivated entrepreneur from taking on more work. That’s why savvy cleaners invest in professional machines like No-Touch Cleaning Systems. This technology is easy to transport, carry up and down stairs and use. It gets jobs done faster allowing for more clients and repairs are easy.

When opening a cleaning business, you should consider how you will attract and keep great employees. Asking staff to use old-school mops and buckets, cleaning rags, and chemicals while cleaning toilets on their hands and knees won’t go over well. Modern cleaning equipment allows business contract cleaners to deliver great results fast, so they earn profitable revenue from every job. Kaivac machines come with on-board video training that gives your staff exact demonstrations of how to clean right every time.

Throw in the Towel, Get Smart Towel

Nothing looks less professional than a used pile of crumpled up, damp rags. Clients may justifiably fear that the same rag that just cleaned restroom fixtures was used to clean other spaces. Cross contamination is a real health threat and cleaning rags are notorious for accumulating and spreading soils and potentially dangerous contaminants.

Invest in a SmartTowel™ System instead. Available in multiple colors, they help you to reduce the chance of cross-contamination from one surface to another. Using restroom towels in the kitchen or kitchen towels, which may pick up food-borne illnesses to dust is asking for problems. The Kaivac SmartTowel™ Systems are designed to be folded into numbered quadrants. After one quadrant is soiled, the cleaner can flip to the next numbered quadrant, reducing the risk of cross contamination while getting more use out of a single towel.

Floor Cleaning Machines That Make You Money

Kaivac offers a full range of floor cleaning machines that cut the time and effort required to clean hard surface floors of all types with outstanding results. Ask around and find out why Kaivac machines are profit machines:

  •   Cost effective – Initial purchase price is one-tenth of auto scrubbers price
  •   Clean Better – removes 99.8% of targeted bacteria, leaving your floors clean and fresh
  •   Clean Faster – up to 4 times faster than mopping. One pass cleaning, no dust mopping. 
  •   Promote safety – Kaivac’s system are certified by NFSI for providing high traction, preventing most slip and fall accidents
  •   No techs or tools required – maintain and repair machines in minutes by non-technicians.

Hard-working Kaivac AutoVac Floor or the innovative green cleaning machine — AutoVac Stretch, are both available as cordless models. No cords means even faster and more efficient cleaning.

Learn more about the full line of innovative cleaning machines and cleaning business tools and tips from Kaivac. 

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